Ile Des Chenes Minor Hockey Association

parent information


IDCMHA is comprised of volunteers supporting our community. We rely on these volunteers throughout the year and each team will be looking to fill a variety of roles.  A summary of these roles can be found here.

If interested in volunteering to assist the board with hosting events, sub-committees etc., we encourage you to contact the President or Vice President of IDCMHA at your convenience. 


Upon completion of the evaluation process, the third-party evaluator will form teams and determine placement.  Prior to the start of the season, a Parent Kick-off Meeting will be held for parents to select/volunteer/assign these roles, provide information, complete bench staff paperwork, collect any outstanding items, and answer any initial questions regarding the season.  This is also a great time to make first introductions and welcome new members to IDCMHA.  


IDCMHA will host tournaments for age groups:  U7-U13.  Dates will be provided/posted on the website once confirmed.  Each team is expected to provide volunteer organizers leading up and during the event,and we encourage teams to provide additional support to minimize the impact on any one volunteer.

To highlight, there are several benefits of these tournaments for our members, including:

  • Player development: opportunity to play teams from out of our Eastman region,
  • Team development: opportunity to provide immediate coaching feedback over consecutive games,
  • FUN: tournaments are a great way for players to bond and can be an important memory on their hockey experiences,
  • Financial: The net proceeds for the fundraising activities (silent auction, 50/50, bake sales, games, etc) organized by the teams at the tournament is shared equally amongst the host teams to use at their individual discretion (away tournament costs, exhibition games, wind-ups, coaches or players gifts, etc.)